- Warren L. Chord Development (Business » Firms)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
La valquiria — Para otros usos de este término, véase Valquiria (desambiguación). La valquiria Die Walküre Brunilda en la roca, portada artística de la partitura vocal de Schott (1899). Forma Drama musical … Wikipedia Español
Царь-пастух (опера) — Опера Царь пастух Il re pastore Композитор Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт Автор(ы) либретто П. Метастазио Жанр серенад … Википедия
Die Entführung aus dem Serail discography — This is a partial discography of the operatic Singspiel Die Entführung aus dem Serail by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It was first performed at the Burgtheater in Vienna on 16 July 1782. Audio recordings Year Cast: Constanze, Blonde, Belmonte,… … Wikipedia
Die Walküre discography — This is a partial discography of the opera Die Walküre by Richard Wagner. It was first performed at the National Theatre Munich on 26 June 1870. List Year Cast (Siegmund, Sieglinde, Wotan, Brünnhilde, Hunding, Fricka) Conductor Orchestra Label[1] … Wikipedia
Don Giovanni discography — This is a partial discography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart s opera Don Giovanni. Contents 1 Audio 2 Film and video 3 References Audio Year Cast (Don Giovanni, Lepor … Wikipedia
Zar y carpintero — Zar und Zimmermann Pedro el Grande como carpintero; monumento en San Petersburgo Forma Ópera cómica Actos y escenas … Wikipedia Español