- Webb One Name Register (Business » Firms)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
List of awards and nominations received by Jessica Lange — Jessica Lange awards and nominations Awards and nominations … Wikipedia
窗 — chuāng (1) ㄔㄨㄤˉ (2) 房屋通风透气的装置: ~子。 ~户。 ~口。 ~友(即同学)。 ~花。 ~台。 ~纱。 ~帘。 ~幔。 ~明几净。 (3) 郑码: WONR, U: 7A97, GBK: B4B0 (4) 笔画数: 12, 部首: 穴, 笔顺编号: 445343253541 … International standard chinese characters dictionary