- * W R I Holdings, Inc. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
wríhþ — pres 3rd sing of wréon … Old to modern English dictionary
Media in Richmond, Virginia — According to nielsenmedia.com statistics for 2011–2012, the Richmond, Virginia market area is the 57th largest Designated Market Area in the United States, with 559,390 households. Richmond is served by a variety of communication media: Contents… … Wikipedia
Rist — Sm Hand , Fußrücken per. Wortschatz fach. (13. Jh.), mhd. rist m./n., riste f./n. Hand , Fußgelenk , mndd. wrist f. Handwurzel Stammwort. Aus g. * wrih sti f., auch in anord. rist f., ae. wrist, afr. wrist f. Wie Reihen2 Ableitung zu einem Verb… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache