BioShield Technology, Inc. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols)

Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • BSTI — abbr. BioShield Tech Inc NASDAQ …   Dictionary of abbreviations

  • Workers Socialist Federation — The Workers Socialist Federation was a socialist political party in the United Kingdom, led by Sylvia Pankhurst. Under many different names, it gradually broadened its politics from a focus on women s suffrage to eventually become a left… …   Wikipedia

  • Communist Party (British Section of the Third International) — Part of a series on Left communism …   Wikipedia

  • Workers' Socialist Federation — The Workers Socialist Federation was a socialist political party in the United Kingdom, led by Sylvia Pankhurst. Under many different names, it gradually broadened its politics from a focus on women s suffrage to eventually become a left… …   Wikipedia

  • зябнуть — зябну, диал. зябти, зябу; далее зяблый, зябкий, укр. зябнути, блр. зябцi, ст. слав. зѩбѫ мерзну , болг. зебна (Младенов 190), сербохорв. зепсти, зебе̑м мерзну, боюсь , словен. zebsti, zebе мерзнуть , чеш. zabsti, zabnouti знобить , слвц. ziаbst᾽ …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

  • Sylvia Pankhurst — Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (May 5, 1882ndash September 27, 1960) was a notable campaigner for the suffragette movement in the United Kingdom. She was for a time a prominent left communist who then devoted herself to the cause of anti fascism, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Communist Labour Party (Scotland) — See Communist party (disambiguation) for other similarly named groups. The Communist Labour Party was a small Communist Party in Scotland. It was formed in September 1920 by the Scottish Workers Committee and the Scottish section of the Communist …   Wikipedia

  • Sylvia Pankhurst — Estelle Sylvia Pankhurst (* 5. Mai 1882 in Manchester; † 27. September 1960) war eine Aktivistin in der Suffragettenbewegung. Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • substitute — sub|sti|tute1 [ sʌbstı,tut ] verb ** 1. ) transitive to use something new or different instead of what is normally used: Instead of using silicon, they have substituted a more flexible material. substitute something for something: You can… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • гребу — грести, укр. гребу, гребсти, ст. слав. гребѫ, грети, болг. греба гребу , сербохорв. грѐбе̑м, грѐпсти, словен. grebem, grebsti рыть, копать , чеш. hřebu, hřesti хоронить , слвц. hrebiem, hriebst , др. польск. grzebę, grzesc грести, копать .… …   Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера

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