- Comprehensive-Interactive Information Strategy (Miscellaneous » USPS)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
CIIS — Comprehensive Interactive Information Strategy (CIIS) The enterprise wide architecture that supports the end to end business processes, optimized IT investment, eliminates stovepipe application development, and shapes the future of IT initiatives … Glossary of postal terms
CIIS — abbr. California Institute of Integral Studies … Dictionary of abbreviations
California Institute of Integral Studies — (CIIS) Established 1968 Type Private, Nonprofit Pres … Wikipedia
List of educational institutions in Chandigarh — Chandigarh is known for its quality education. The educational institutions are affiliated to different types of school curricula and universities.International curriculum (IGCSE / IB)* The British School, Panchkula ( [http://www.thebritishschool … Wikipedia
Ralph Metzner — Ph.D. (born May 18 1936 in Germany), is an American psychologist, writer and researcher, who participated in psychedelic research at Harvard University in the early 1960s with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert (later Ram Dass). Dr. Metzner is a… … Wikipedia
Transformational leadership — is a leadership style where one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality. The term was used by James V. Downton in 1973 in Rebel Leadership:… … Wikipedia
Eastern philosophy and clinical psychology — Like body and mind, East and West are false dichotomies. Travel and trade along the Silk Road brought ancient texts and mind practices deep into the West. They have been drawn on to varying degrees by leaders in the field of Clinical Psychology,… … Wikipedia
Counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism organizations — Counterintelligence, and closely related counterterrorism, may well be a source of positive intelligence on the opposition s priorities and thinking, not just a defensive measure. Still, foreign intelligence capability is an important part of… … Wikipedia
Richard V. Kahn — as of 2007. Background Kahn was born in White Plains, NY and raised in Westchester County, where he lived until attending Rutgers College, the New College of Florida, and Hobart College in Geneva, NY for his undergraduate years. At Hobart College … Wikipedia
SISMI — Wappen des SISMI Der Servizio per le Informazioni e la Sicurezza Militare SISMI (umgangssprachlich: „Servizio Segreto Militare“; deutsch: „Militärischer Nachrichten und Sicherheitsdienst“) war bis zum Jahr 2007 ein militärischer Nachrichtendienst … Deutsch Wikipedia