- Crystal Systems Solutions, LTD. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
crys — crys·tal·lic; crys·tal·lif·er·ous; crys·tal·li·form; crys·tal·lig·er·ous; crys·tal·lin; crys·tal·line; crys·tal·lin·i·ty; crys·tal·lite; crys·tal·liz·able; crys·tal·li·za·tion; crys·tal·lize; crys·tal·liz·er; crys·tal·lo·blast;… … English syllables
Crys — (Welsh word for Shirt) are a Welsh heavy rock/metal band from Resolven, South Wales. The band was formed in 1976 by the brothers Liam Forde (vocals, rhythm guitar) Scott Forde (bass guitar); and Alun Morgan (lead guitar) while attending boarding… … Wikipedia
crys- — see also chris , chrys , cris … Useful english dictionary
crys — obs. f. kris, Malay dagger … Useful english dictionary
crys´tal|liz´er — crys|tal|lize «KRIHS tuh lyz», verb, lized, liz|ing. –v.i. 1. to form into crystals; solidify into crystals: »Water crystallizes to form snow. 2. Figurative. to form into definite shape: »After much thought his vague ideas crystallized into a… … Useful english dictionary
crys´tal|liz´a|ble — crys|tal|lize «KRIHS tuh lyz», verb, lized, liz|ing. –v.i. 1. to form into crystals; solidify into crystals: »Water crystallizes to form snow. 2. Figurative. to form into definite shape: »After much thought his vague ideas crystallized into a… … Useful english dictionary
crys|tal|lize — «KRIHS tuh lyz», verb, lized, liz|ing. –v.i. 1. to form into crystals; solidify into crystals: »Water crystallizes to form snow. 2. Figurative. to form into definite shape: »After much thought his vague ideas crystallized into a clear plan. –v.t … Useful english dictionary
crys´tal|lo|graph´i|cal|ly — crys|tal|lo|graph|ic «KRIHS tuh luh GRAF ihk», adjective. of or having to do with crystallography or crystals: »The final assault saw a concerted British attack…from the crystallographic department at Oxford (London Times).… … Useful english dictionary
crys|tal|lo|graph|ic — «KRIHS tuh luh GRAF ihk», adjective. of or having to do with crystallography or crystals: »The final assault saw a concerted British attack…from the crystallographic department at Oxford (London Times). –crys´tal|lo|graph´i|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
crys´tal|like´ — crys|tal «KRIHS tuhl», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a clear, transparent mineral that looks like ice, especially the transparent or nearly transparent form of pure quartz. 2. a piece of crystal cut into form for use or ornament. Crystals are used as… … Useful english dictionary
crys|tal — «KRIHS tuhl», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a clear, transparent mineral that looks like ice, especially the transparent or nearly transparent form of pure quartz. 2. a piece of crystal cut into form for use or ornament. Crystals are used as beads, and … Useful english dictionary