- First Connecticut Capital Corporation (Business » NASDAQ Symbols)* Fracture, complete, comminuted, compound (Medical » Physiology)* Family Child Care Curriculum (Governmental » Military)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
FCCC — (Framework Convention on Climate Change) UNFCCC, international environmental treaty establish during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development which took place in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro with a purpose to reduce discharge of… … English contemporary dictionary
FCCC — abbr. Fox Chase Cancer Center … Dictionary of abbreviations
Framework Convention on Climate Change — FCCC, UNFCCC, international environmental treaty establish during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development which took place in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro with a purpose to reduce discharge of greenhouse gas as to fight global… … English contemporary dictionary
Framework Convention on Climate Change — (FCCC) An agreement opened for signature at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on June 4, 1992, which has the goal of stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent significant… … Energy terms
Faith Chapel Christian Center — (FCCC) is a non denominational,christian, megachurch located in Birmingham, AL. The congregation, though largely African American, also consists of a variety of individuals from various ethnic and socio economic backgrounds. The church has two… … Wikipedia
Kyoto Protocol — Participation in the Kyoto Protocol, as of December 2010, Green = Countries that have signed and ratified the treaty (Annex I II countries in dark green) Grey =… … Wikipedia
Jimmy Ryce — Samuel James Ryce Born September 26, 1985(1985 09 26) Died September 11, 1995(1995 09 11) (aged 9) Redland, Florida Samuel James Jimmy Ryce (September 26, 1985–September 11, 1995) was a child that was abducted, raped and killed by… … Wikipedia
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change — UNFCCC logo. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC) is an international environmental treaty produced at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), informally known as the Earth… … Wikipedia
Kyoto-Protokoll — Die japanische Stadt Kyōto, der Verhandlungsort des nach ihr benannten Klimaschutz Protokolls Das Kyoto Protokoll (benannt nach dem Ort der Konferenz Kyōto in Japan) ist ein am 11. Dezember 1997 beschlossenes Zusatzprotokoll zur Ausgestaltung der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Conference of the parties — (COP) The collection of nations that have ratified the Framework Convention on Climate Change(FCCC). The primary role of the COP is to keep implementation of the FCCC under review and make the decisions necessary for its effective… … Energy terms