- Geological Survey of Western Australia (Academic & Science » Geology)* Great Swamp Watershed Association (Community » Non-Profit Organizations)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
GSWA — gunshot wound, abdominal … Medical dictionary
GSWA — • gunshot wound, abdominal … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Okahandja Concentration Camp — After the battle of Waterburg, in which the Schutztruppers of German South West Africa used machine guns and cannons to force the indigenous Herero into the Omaheke desert, then used Maxim machine guns to prevent the Herero from gaining access to … Wikipedia
AU-WA — Western Australia Flagge Wappen (Details) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Westaustralien — Western Australia Flagge Wappen (Details) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Geological Survey of Western Australia — Der Geological Survey of Western Australia (Abk. GSWA) ist die geowissenschaftliche Behörde des australischen Bundesstaates Western Australia. Er liegt im Zuständigkeitsbereich des Ministeriums für Bergbau und Erdöl (Department of Mines and… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Eugenics — is the self direction of human evolution : Logo from the Second International Eugenics Conference, 1921, depicting Eugenics as a tree which unites a variety of different fields.[1] Eugenics is the applied science or the bio social movement which… … Wikipedia
Pilbara craton — The Pilbara craton (the Pilbara province in northwest Western Australia), along with the Kaapvaal craton (the Kaapvaal province of South Africa) are the only remaining areas of pristine Archaean 3.6 2.7 Ga crust on Earth. Similarities of their… … Wikipedia
Tantalum — (pronEng|ˈtæntələm) (formerly tantalium IPA|/tænˈtæliəm/) is a chemical element with the symbol Ta and atomic number 73. A rare, hard, blue grey, lustrous, transition metal, tantalum is highly corrosion resistant and occurs naturally in the… … Wikipedia
Shoemaker crater — Shoemaker (formerly known as Teague Ring) is an impact structure (or astrobleme), the deeply eroded remnant of a former impact crater, situated in arid central Western Australia, about 100 km north northeast of Wiluna. It is named in honour of… … Wikipedia