Independent Component Analysis (Academic & Science » Electronics)
** International Co-operative Alliance (Business » International Business)
* Institute of Cultural Affairs (Governmental » United Nations)
* Interstitial Cystitis Association (Community » Non-Profit Organizations)
* Citrix file (Computing » File Extensions)
* Internet Classroom Assistant (Community » Educational)
* International Coffee Agreement (Business » International Business)
* Intellectual Capital Associates (Business » Firms)
* International Commodity Agreement (Business » International Business)
* Independent Cost Analysis (Governmental » Military)
* Isotropically Conductive Adhesive (Academic & Science » Electronics)
* Interface Connector Assembly (Computing » Hardware)
* International Cocoa Agreement (Business » International Business)
* Intelligent Computing Architecture (Computing » General)
* Integrated Control Architecture (Governmental » Military)
* Icabaru, Venezuela (Regional » Airport Codes)
* International Congress of Accountants (Business » Accounting)
* I Check All (Community » Law)
* Indigenous Communications Australia (Business » Firms)
* Integration Control Agreement (Governmental » NASA)
* Independent Crane Advisor (Business » General)
* Inter Colonial Agency (Governmental)
* Image Object Content Architecture Bitmap graphics file (Computing » File Extensions)
* Interuniversity Conference Of Agriculture (Academic & Science » Universities)
* Independent Contracting Agent (Governmental » US Government)
* Icon archive (IoCA) (Computing » File Extensions)

Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • Ica — San Jerónimo de Ica Bandera …   Wikipedia Español

  • ICA — may refer to: Business * Empresas ICA a Mexican infrastructure, construction and housing corporation established in 1947. * ICA AB a Swedish corporate group in the food retail business, formerly named ICA Ahold AB. * ICA AG German camera… …   Wikipedia

  • Ica — Ica …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ICA AB — ICA Supermarkt in Norrköping Inköpscentralernas Aktiebolag (kurz ICA) ist eine schwedische Unternehmensgruppe, die im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel tätig ist. Geschichte ICA geht zurück auf die 1917 von Hakon Swenson in Västerås gegründete… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ICA — steht für: Independent Component Analysis, ein Verfahren zur Mustererkennung/Signaltrennung Independent Computing Architecture, ein Netzwerkprotokoll des Unternehmens Citrix Inköpscentralernas Aktiebolag, eine schwedische Supermarktkette… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ica — es una ciudad del Perú, capital de la Región Ica. Fue fundada con el nombre de Villa de Valverde, aunque luego se denominó San Jerónimo de Ica. Dispone de bellas portadas de haciendas coloniales. En sus inmediaciones destacaron las culturas… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • ICA — Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (ICA) USA The Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. §§ 80a 1 − 80a 64) regulates mutual funds and other companies that engage primarily in investing, reinvesting, and trading in securities, and whose …   Law dictionary

  • ICA — может означать: Intel Communication Alliance International Contract Agency  Интернациональное Контрактное Агентство Independent Computing Architecture Internationale Camera Actiengesellschaft (ICA AG) германская компания, производитель… …   Википедия

  • Ica — Ica, Küstendepartement von Perú, 22,586 qkm mit (1896 berechnet) 90,962 Einw., meist sandig, aber mit fruchtbaren Flußtälern, wo Mais, Gemüse, Obst, Zuckerrohr, Baumwolle, Wein und Indigo gedeihen. Die gleichnamige Hauptstadt (San Geronimo de I.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • -ica — Sufijo con valor iterativo y despectivo con que se forman adjetivos: ‘acusica, llorica’. * * * ica. suf. de adjetivos. Tiene valor iterativo y despectivo. Acusica, llorica, quejica …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • ICA — the ICA the Institute of Contemporary Arts a building in central London where modern paintings, films etc are shown …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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