- Initial Microprogram Load (Computing » General)* Imperative Meta Programming Language (Computing » Software)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
IMPL — Imperatore Lucio, Imperatori Lucio, Imperatoris Luci, Imperatoris Lucius, Imperatorum Luci, imperio Lucius … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
IMPL — 1. Initial microprogram load. 2. Implementation language … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
impl — abbreviation 1. imperial 2. implement … Useful english dictionary
implicatory — ˈimplə̇kəˌtōrē, imˈplik , chiefly Brit |implə̇|kātəri or ā.tri adjective : implicative … Useful english dictionary
implicant — ˈimplə̇kənt, lēk noun ( s) Etymology: Latin implicant , implicans, present participle of implicare : something that implies (as a proposition) … Useful english dictionary
imploration — ˌimpləˈrāshən lōˈr , lȯˈr noun ( s) Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin imploration , imploratio, from imploratus (past participle of implorare to implore) + ion , io ion : earnest supplication : imploring … Useful english dictionary
im·pli·ca·tion — /ˌımpləˈkeıʃən/ noun, pl tions 1 [count] : a possible future effect or result usually plural We must consider the long term implications of the new trade policies. [=we must consider the effect the policies may have in the future] The closing of… … Useful english dictionary
Микропроцессоры AMD — Ниже приведён список микропроцессоров, выпущенных или запланированных к выпуску компанией AMD. Список отсортирован по поколениям в хронологическом порядке. Содержание 1 Процессоры 8080 и Am9080 2 Процессоры собственной архитектуры AMD … Википедия
WinChip — Infobox Computer Hardware Cpu name = WinChip caption = slowest = 180 | slow unit = MHz fastest = 250 | fast unit = MHz fsb slowest = 60 | fsb slow unit = fsb fastest = 100 | fsb fast unit = size from = 0.35 size to = 0.25 produced start = 1997… … Wikipedia
Oracle Application Framework — Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Self Service Purpose 1.2 Architecture 1.3 Framework Structure 1.3.1 … Wikipedia