Netlojix (Business » NASDAQ Symbols)
* Nemic Leasing Corporation (Regional » Railroads)

Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • NETx.COM —    The workstation shell software used in Novell NetWare 2.x and 3.x networks. This program is loaded into memory on the workstation and begins transmission when the workstation requests network resources.    In earlier versions of NetWare,… …   Dictionary of networking

  • NETX — abbr. NETLOJIX NASDAQ …   Dictionary of abbreviations

  • IcedTea — For other meanings, see Iced tea (disambiguation)Infobox Software name = IcedTea6 caption = Screenshot of AWT widgets rendered in IcedTea collapsible = yes developer = Red Hat / GNU Classpath latest release version =… …   Wikipedia

  • IcedTea — ist ein vom Linux Distributor Red Hat initiiertes Gemeinschaftsprojekt zur Entwicklung freier Java Plattformsoftware. Das Projekt arbeitet(e) an folgenden Produkten: OpenJDK freie Implementierung der Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), die …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Serveur web embarqué — Un serveur web embarqué est un serveur web destiné à être mis en fonction sur un système embarqué et permettant de consulter et d agir sur ce dernier comme sur n importe quel élément du web. De tels serveurs peuvent ainsi prendre place dans des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Conventional memory — Memory areas of the IBM PC family. In DOS memory management, conventional memory, also called base memory, is the first 640 kilobytes (640 × 1024 bytes) of the memory on IBM PC or compatible systems. It is the read write memory usable by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mesh networking — For other meanings of the word mesh, see Mesh (disambiguation). Illustration of a mesh network Mesh networking (topology) is a type of networking where each node must not only capture and disseminate its own data, but also serve as a relay for… …   Wikipedia

  • Black Screen of Death — The black screen of death (BlSoD), is one of three things:* a failure mode of Microsoft Windows 3.x, or * the screen displayed by the OS/2 operating system in the event of either a system error from which it cannot recover (a TRAP screen) or a… …   Wikipedia

  • Value product — The value product (VP) is an economic concept formulated by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy during the 1860s, and used in Marxian social accounting theory for capitalist economies. Its annual monetary value is approximately equal… …   Wikipedia

  • Unequal exchange — is a much disputed concept, used preferably in Marxian economics but also in ecological economics to denote forms of exploitation hidden in, or underwriting trade. Originating, in the wake of the debate on the Singer Prebisch thesis, as an… …   Wikipedia

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