- Propulsion Subsystem (Governmental » Military)* Police Reporting And Occurrence System (Community » Law)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
pros — Pi (4) … Universal-Lexikon
pros — pros·ar·thri; pros·bul; pros·cop·i·nous; pros·cop·i·ny; pros·e·cut·able; pros·e·cute; pros·e·cu·tion; pros·e·cu·tor; pros·e·cu·to·ry; pros·e·cu·trix; pros·e·lyt·er; pros·e·lyt·i·cal; pros·e·lyt·ism; pros·e·lyt·ist; pros·e·lyt·iza·tion;… … English syllables
pros- — pròs pref. premesso a sostantivi significa posizione anteriore nello spazio: prosencefalo, prosenchima, prospaltella {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: dal gr. pros , cfr. prós davanti … Dizionario italiano
pros- — DEFINICIJA kao prvi dio riječi znači ka, kod, prema, pred; do [prozenhim] ETIMOLOGIJA grč. pros ; prós (prij.) … Hrvatski jezični portal
pros|o|dy — «PROS uh dee», noun. 1. the science of poetic meters and versification. 2. any system or style of versification: »Latin prosody. Japanese prosody came to be based upon syllable count because the language has no stress accent, as in English, or… … Useful english dictionary
pros|y — «PROH zee», adjective, pros|i|er, pros|i|est. like prose; commonplace; dull; tiresome: »an argument that was so prosy that many a head by and by began to nod ( … Useful english dictionary
pros- — pref. 1. Near; toward: prosenchyma. 2. In front of: prosencephalon. [Greek, from pros, near, at. See per1. * * * … Universalium
pros- — statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Dėmuo, reiškiantis, kad pakaitai naftaleno žiede yra antrojoje ir septintojoje padėtyse. atitikmenys: angl. pros rus. прос … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
pros|e|cu|to|ri|al — «PROS uh kyuh TR ee uhl, TOHR », adjective. = prosecutory: (Cf. ↑prosecutory) »The book suffers from excessive prosecutorial zeal (Saturday Review) … Useful english dictionary
pros|e|cu|to|ry — «PROS uh kyuh TR ee, TOHR », adjective. of or having to do with prosecution: »... fixed rules of law by which police, prosecutory, and judicial agencies…must abide (Atlantic) … Useful english dictionary
Pros — bezeichnet einen griechischen Präfix; siehe Liste griechischer Präfixe ein Dorf in Tschechien, siehe Proseč (Březina) Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia