psst — [pst] interjection [Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Natural sound] a sound people make when they want to attract someone s attention without other people noticing ▪ Psst! Guess what? … Dictionary of contemporary English
psst — [ pst ] interjection used for getting someone s attention without other people noticing … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
psst — [pst] interj. Informal used to attract someone s attention, usually in an unobtrusive way … English World dictionary
psst — pst; psst → psitt ⇒PSIT, PSST, onomat. A. Onomat. interj. [Sous forme de son bref prononcé à mi voix ou sous forme de sifflement bref, parfois répété, gén. accompagné d un geste de l index ou de la main, servant à héler qqn ou à appeler un animal … Encyclopédie Universelle
psst — [[t]psst[/t]] Psst is a sound that someone makes when they want to attract another person s attention secretly or quietly. Psst! Come over here! one youth hissed furtively … English dictionary
psst — interjection Implies that the speaker is sending secret or whispered information to another person. Psst, John, don’t tell anyone, but I’ve got lots of candy stashed away … Wiktionary
psst — interjection used to attract someone s attention without other people noticing: Psst! There s someone coming! … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
PSST...! (févr. 1898-sept. 1899) — La publication de Psst...! , hebdomadaire de quatre pages, tiré en noir, correspond à une période très précise de l’affaire Dreyfus: celle de la révision. À la suite de différentes révélations tendant à mettre en doute la culpabilité du capitaine … Encyclopédie Universelle
Psst Pink — in a 1971 Pink Panther Cartoon. The story deals with the Pink Panther trying to catch a car tyre.PlotThe Pink Panther is driving his car and, as it comes up a hill, one of the tyres goes flat. He then proceeds to get out of the car and replace… … Wikipedia
psst — /pst/, interj. (used to attract someone s attention in an unobtrusive manner.) Also, pst. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium