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Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • rep|e|tend — «REHP uh tehnd, REHP uh TEHND», noun. 1. that part of a repeating decimal that is repeated indefinitely. 2. = refrain. (Cf. ↑refrain) ╂[< Latin repetendus, gerundive of repetere; see etym. under repeat (Cf. ↑repeat)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • rep|li|cate — «adjective, noun. REHP luh kiht; verb. REHP luh kayt», adjective, noun, verb, cat|ed, cat|ing. –adj. 1. exactly reproduced; duplicated. 2. folded back on itself: »a replicate leaf. –n. any exact repro …   Useful english dictionary

  • rep´re|sent´a|tive|ness — rep|re|sent|a|tive «REHP rih ZEHN tuh tihv», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person appointed or elected to act or speak for others: »She is the club s representative at the convention. The Philippines also declined to send a representative, but are… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rep´re|sent´a|tive|ly — rep|re|sent|a|tive «REHP rih ZEHN tuh tihv», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person appointed or elected to act or speak for others: »She is the club s representative at the convention. The Philippines also declined to send a representative, but are… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rep|re|sent|a|tive — «REHP rih ZEHN tuh tihv», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person appointed or elected to act or speak for others: »She is the club s representative at the convention. The Philippines also declined to send a representative, but are expected to send an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rep|re|sent|a|tive — «REHP rih ZEHN tuh tihv», noun, adjective. –n. 1. a person appointed or elected to act or speak for others: »She is the club s representative at the convention. The Philippines also declined to send a representative, but are expected to send an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rep´ri|mand´er — rep|ri|mand «noun. REHP ruh mand, mahnd; verb. REHP ruh MAND, MAHND», noun, verb. –n. a severe or formal reproof: »the sharp reprimands that were sure to follow every act of negligence (John F. Kirk). –v.t. to reprove severely or formally;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • rep|ri|mand — «noun. REHP ruh mand, mahnd; verb. REHP ruh MAND, MAHND», noun, verb. –n. a severe or formal reproof: »the sharp reprimands that were sure to follow every act of negligence (John F. Kirk). –v.t. to reprove severely or formally; censure: »The… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dialecto andaluz — Para otros usos de este término, véase andaluz. Mapa de distribución de seseo y ceceo en Andalucía. El andaluz[1] es un di …   Wikipedia Español

  • Hastings Rape — (spr. Hehstings Rehp), Theil der englischen Grafschaft Sussex, mit der Hauptstadt Hastings …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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