Scottish Office Emergency Room (Governmental » Police)
* Specail Operations Emergency Radio (Governmental » Military)

Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • soer — |ê| v. tr. e intr. 1.  [Pouco usado] Ter por costume; ser frequente. = COSTUMAR 2. como sói: como é costume.   ‣ Etimologia: latim soleo, ere …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • søer — sø|er sø|er pl. af so og sø …   Dansk ordbog

  • Taiga Shield — The Taiga Shield is an ecozone which stretches across Canada s subarctic region. Some regions exhibit exposed Precambrian bedrock of the Canadian Shield, the oldest of the world s geological formations.Cite web url=… …   Wikipedia

  • Atlantic Marine (ecozone) — The Atlantic is a Canada marine ecozone that stretches from the Davis Strait to encompass the Grand Banks, to the Avalon Peninsula on the shores of Newfoundland. It includes all of the southern coast of Newfoundland, all the eastern coast of Nova …   Wikipedia

  • sœur — [ sɶr ] n. f. • soer, sorur 1080; seror 1050; lat. soror 1 ♦ Personne de sexe féminin, considérée par rapport aux autres enfants des mêmes parents; ou encore d un même père (sœur consanguine) ou d une même mère (sœur utérine)(⇒ demi sœurdans ces… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Lower Mainland Ecoregion — The Lower Mainland Ecoregion is the name of a biogeoclimatic region that surrounds Vancouver, British Columbia, comprising the eastern edge of the Georgia Depression [BC Ministry of Environment. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Arctic Archipelago Marine — The Arctic Archipelago is a marine ecozone in the Canadian arctic, encompassing Hudson Bay, James Bay, the internal waters and some shores of the islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, and the shores of the territories, northern Ontario and… …   Wikipedia

  • Hudson Plains — The Hudson Plains is a sparsely populated Canadian subarctic ecozone extending from the western coast of Quebec to the coast of Manitoba, encompassing all coastal areas of James Bay and those of southern Hudson Bay. It is the largest continuous… …   Wikipedia

  • Taiga Plains — The Taiga Plain is a Canadian terrestrial ecozone that covers most of the western Northwest Territories, extending to northwest Alberta, northeast British Columbia and slightly overlapping northeastern Yukon.It is the site of the Peace Athabasca… …   Wikipedia

  • Taiga Cordillera — The Taiga Cordillera is a rugged, mountainous terrestrial ecozone of Canada spanning most of northern Yukon and significant portions of the border between the Yukon and the Northwest Territories.It is the most sparsely populated region of Canada …   Wikipedia

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