- Technical Communication Quarterly (Community » Media)*** Tag Command Queuing (Computing » General)*** Tacna, Peru (Regional » Airport Codes)* The Culinary Queen (Community » Famous)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
TCQ — Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ) ( Тегированная очередь команд ) технология, применяемая в некоторых ATA и SCSI жестких дисках. Данная технология позволяет операционной системе посылать множество запросов жесткому диску на запись и чтение. По своему… … Википедия
TCQ — Tagged Command Queuing (TCQ) ist eine Eigenschaft, die ursprünglich mit der SCSI 2 und später dann auch mit der ATA 4 Spezifikation eingeführt wurde. Ähnlich der Native Command Queuing (NCQ) Funktion der S ATAII Spezifikation sorgt sie bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
TCQ — Tacna, Peru internationale Flughafen Kennung … Acronyms
tcq — ISO 639 3 Code of Language ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living Language Name : Kaiy … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
TCQ — Tacna, Peru internationale Fughafen Kennung … Acronyms von A bis Z
TCQ — abbr. Trellis Coded Quantization … Dictionary of abbreviations
TCQ — abbr. Tagged Command Queueing (Linux) … United dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
Tagged Command Queuing — (TCQ) is a technology built into certain ATA and SCSI hard drives. It allows the operating system to send multiple read and write requests to a hard drive. ATA TCQ is not identical in function to the more efficient Native Command Queuing (NCQ)… … Wikipedia
Native Command Queuing — NCQ allows the drive itself to determine the optimal order in which to retrieve outstanding requests. This may, as here, allow the drive to fulfill all requests in fewer rotations and thus less time. Native Command Queuing (NCQ) is a technology… … Wikipedia
Tagged Command Queuing — o TCQ, es una tecnología que se utiliza en algunos discos duros para optimizar su rendimiento. La idea del TCQ, es que las múltiples solicitudes de lectura/escritura que recibe la unidad de disco duro, sean optimizadas internamente por éste. En… … Wikipedia Español