Vulcan Year (Miscellaneous » Science Fiction)

Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • VUY — abbr. Vulcan Year …   Dictionary of abbreviations

  • Violet — /vuy euh lit/, n. a female given name. Also, Violette /vuy euh let , vuy euh lit/, Violetta /vuy euh let euh/. * * * I Any of the approximately 500 species of herbaceous plants or low shrubs that make up the genus Viola, which includes the small …   Universalium

  • St. Vitus's dance — /vuy teuh siz/, Pathol. chorea (def. 2). Also, St. Vitus dance /vuy teuhs/, St. Vitus dance /vuy teuhs, teuh siz/, Saint Vitus s dance. [1955 60; named after St. Vitus (3rd century), patron saint of those afflicted with chorea] * * * …   Universalium

  • vita — /vuy teuh, vee /; Lat. /wee tah/, n., pl. vitae /vuy tee, vee tuy/; Lat. /wee tuy/. See curriculum vitae (def. 1). Also, vitae /vuy tee, vee tuy/. [1920 25; < L: life] * * * …   Universalium

  • St. Vitus's dance — /vuy teuh siz/, Pathol. chorea (def. 2). Also, St. Vitus dance /vuy teuhs/, St. Vitus dance /vuy teuhs, teuh siz/, Saint Vitus s dance. [1955 60; named after St. Vitus (3rd century), patron saint of those afflicted with chorea] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vaisheshika — /vuy she shee keuh, vuy shay shi keuh/, n. Indian Philos. a school of thought asserting the existence of a universe formed by a god out of atoms of earth, air, fire, and water, as well as out of space, time, ether, mind, and soul, all conceived… …   Universalium

  • viator — /vuy ay tawr, teuhr/, n., pl. viatores /vuy euh tawr eez, tohr /. a wayfarer; traveler. [1495 1505; < L viator equiv. to via(re) to travel (deriv. of via way) + tor TOR] * * * …   Universalium

  • vibratory — /vuy breuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. 1. capable of or producing vibration. 2. vibrating. 3. of the nature of or consisting in vibration. 4. of or pertaining to vibration. Also, vibrative /vuy breuh tiv, bray /. [1720 30; VIBRATE + ORY1] * * * …   Universalium

  • vice versa — /vuy seuh verr seuh, vuys , vuy see/ in reverse order from that stated; conversely: She dislikes me, and vice versa. [1595 1605; < L, equiv. to vice VICE3 + versa, abl. sing. fem. of versus, ptp. of vertere to turn] * * * …   Universalium

  • Viola — /vuy euh leuh, vee ; vuy oh leuh, vee /, n. a female given name. * * * Stringed instrument, the tenor member of the violin family. In appearance it is almost identical to the violin but slightly larger; its strings are tuned a fifth lower. It is… …   Universalium

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