whis — whis·kin; whis·per·er; whis·per·ous; whis·pery; whis·tle·able; whis·tler; whis·tle·ri·an; whis·tly; whis·key; whis·per; whis·tle; whis·per·ing·ly; whis·per·ous·ly; whis·tling·ly; … English syllables
whis|ky — «HWIHS kee», noun, plural kies, adjective. = whiskey. (Cf. ↑whiskey) … Useful english dictionary
WHIS — Infobox Radio station name = WHIS airdate = 1929 frequency = 1440 kHz city = Bluefield, West Virginia area = Bluefield WV VA format = Talk Radio owner = Triad Broadcasting licensee = Monterey Licenses, LLC power = 5,000 watts (day) 500 watts… … Wikipedia
Whis|key — «HWIHS kee», noun, plural keys, adjective. –n. 1. a strong, intoxicating liquor made from grain. Whiskey usually consists of from two fifths to one half alcohol by volume. In the United States, whiskey is made of corn or rye; in Scotland, Ireland … Useful english dictionary
whis|key — «HWIHS kee», noun, plural keys, adjective. –n. 1. a strong, intoxicating liquor made from grain. Whiskey usually consists of from two fifths to one half alcohol by volume. In the United States, whiskey is made of corn or rye; in Scotland, Ireland … Useful english dictionary
whis´per|ing|ly — whis|per|ing «HWIHS puhr ihng», noun, adjective. –n. the act of a person or thing that whispers. –adj. 1. that whispers; speaking in a whisper. 2. Figurative. making a soft, rustling sound. –whis´per|ing|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
whis|per|ing — «HWIHS puhr ihng», noun, adjective. –n. the act of a person or thing that whispers. –adj. 1. that whispers; speaking in a whisper. 2. Figurative. making a soft, rustling sound. –whis´per|ing|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
whis|per — «HWIHS puhr», verb, noun. –v.i. 1. a) to speak very softly and low. b) to talk in this way, especially in another s ear, for the sake of secrecy or privacy. 2. Figurative. to talk quietly or secretly (usually implying hostility, malice,… … Useful english dictionary
whis|tla|ble — whis|tle|a|ble or whis|tla|ble «HWIHS uh luh buhl, HWIHS luh », adjective. that can be or is suitable for whistling; tuneful: »whistleable tunes … Useful english dictionary
whis|tle|a|ble — or whis|tla|ble «HWIHS uh luh buhl, HWIHS luh », adjective. that can be or is suitable for whistling; tuneful: »whistleable tunes … Useful english dictionary
whis´tling|ly — whis|tling «HWIHS lihng», noun, adjective. –n. 1. the act of a person or thing that whistles. 2. a defect of the respiratory system in which a horse breathes hard with a shrill sound. –adj. 1. producing a whistle or whistling. 2. characterized by … Useful english dictionary