bind round

  • 11ἀμφίδιον — ἀ̱μφίδιον , ἀμφιδέω bind round imperf ind act 3rd pl (doric aeolic) ἀ̱μφίδιον , ἀμφιδέω bind round imperf ind act 1st sg (doric aeolic) …

    Greek morphological index (Ελληνική μορφολογικούς δείκτες)

  • 12Diadem — Di a*dem, n. [F. diad[ e]me, L. diadema, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to bind round; dia through, across + ? to bind; cf. Skr. d[=a] to bind.] 1. Originally, an ornamental head band or fillet, worn by Eastern monarchs as a badge of royalty; hence (later),… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 13Diadem lemur — Diadem Di a*dem, n. [F. diad[ e]me, L. diadema, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to bind round; dia through, across + ? to bind; cf. Skr. d[=a] to bind.] 1. Originally, an ornamental head band or fillet, worn by Eastern monarchs as a badge of royalty; hence… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 14Diadem spider — Diadem Di a*dem, n. [F. diad[ e]me, L. diadema, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? to bind round; dia through, across + ? to bind; cf. Skr. d[=a] to bind.] 1. Originally, an ornamental head band or fillet, worn by Eastern monarchs as a badge of royalty; hence… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 15girdle — I. n. Band (for the waist), belt, cincture, cestus. II. v. a. 1. Gird, bind round. 2. Environ, encompass, surround, enclose, embrace, girt, shut in. 3. [U. S.] Cut round, incise about, cut a girth round the bark of …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 16gird — I. v. a. 1. Girdle, bind round, bind with a girdle. 2. Surround, encircle, encompass, enclose, environ, engird, begird. 3. Clothe, invest, equip, furnish. 4. Reproach, gibe, sneer at, lash, satirize. II. v. n. Gibe, sneer, make scornful jests,… …

    New dictionary of synonyms

  • 17ymbsǽlan — wv/t1b to bind round, tie round …

    Old to modern English dictionary

  • 18Tuz — (t[u^]z), n. [Cf. W. tusw a wisp, a bunch, tus that binds or wraps, tusiaw to bind round, to wrap. Cf. {Tussock}.] A lock or tuft of hair. [Obs.] Dryden. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 19Diadem — For other uses, see Diadem (disambiguation). A diadem is a type of crown, specifically an ornamental headband worn by Eastern monarchs and others as a badge of royalty. The word derives from the Greek διάδημα (diádēma), band or fillet ,[1] from… …


  • 20Diadem (personal wear) — A diadem is a type of crown, specifically an ornamental headband worn by Eastern monarchs and others as a badge of royalty. The word derives from the Greek διάδημα diadema , from διάδηω diadeo to bind round, or fasten. The term originally… …
