go in haste

  • 111make haste slowly — Cf. L. festina lente, make haste slowly; after SUETONIUS Augustus xxv. 4. nihil autem minus perfecto duci quam festinationem temeritatemque convenire arbitratur. crebro itaque illa iactabat: σπεῦδε βραδέως, he [Augustus] thought that haste and… …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 112marry in haste and repent at leisure — This formula can be applied to rash steps other than marriage: e.g. 1998 Spectator 10 Jan. 6 All modern governments legislate in haste and repent at leisure. A frequent recent variant is act in haste, repent at leisure: e.g. 1998 Times 26 Jan. 21 …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 113more haste, less speed — The original meaning of speed in this proverb is ‘quickness in the performance of some action or operation’. c 1350 Douce MS 52 no. 86 The more hast, the worse spede. 1546 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs I. ii. A3v Moste tymes he seeth, the more… …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 114in haste — adverb in a hurried or hasty manner (Freq. 1) the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful hastily, he scanned the headlines sold in haste and at a sacrifice • Syn: ↑hurriedly, ↑hastily • Ant: ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 115post-haste — also post haste ADV: ADV after v If you go somewhere or do something post haste, you go there or do it as quickly as you can. [FORMAL] The pilot wisely decided to return to Farnborough post haste …

    English dictionary

  • 116nothing should be done in haste but gripping a flea — a 1655 N. L’ESTRANGE in Anecdotes & Traditions (1839) I. 55 A grave gentleman in this Kingdome us’d this phrase often: ‘Do nothing rashly, but catching of fleas.’ 1678 J. RAY English Proverbs (ed. 2) 151 Nothing most be done hastily but killing… …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 117post-haste — ► ADVERB ▪ with great speed. ORIGIN from the direction ‘haste, post, haste’, formerly given on letters …

    English terms dictionary

  • 118an-haste — in haste: see an prep. and haste n …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 119make haste — {v. phr.} To move fast; hurry. Rarely used in speaking. * /The dog wriggled into one end of the hollow log, and the rabbit made haste to get out the other end./ * /Mary saw that she had hurt Jane s feelings, and made haste to say she was sorry./… …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 120make haste — {v. phr.} To move fast; hurry. Rarely used in speaking. * /The dog wriggled into one end of the hollow log, and the rabbit made haste to get out the other end./ * /Mary saw that she had hurt Jane s feelings, and made haste to say she was sorry./… …

    Dictionary of American idioms