keep in check

  • 11keep — Synonyms and related words: POW camp, TLC, abide, abide by, abstain, accede to, accommodate, accommodation, accommodations, accumulate, acknowledge, acropolis, act up to, adhere to, administer Communion, afford, afford support, agree to, aliment …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 12keep back — Synonyms and related words: abstain, arrest, backpedal, backwater, block, bosom, bottle up, brake, bridle, check, classify, clip the wings, conceal, confine, conserve, constrain, contain, control, cool, cool off, countercheck, curb, curtail, dam… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 13keep from — Synonyms and related words: abstain, abstain from, anticipate, arrest, avert, avoid, bar, bosom, bridle, check, classify, conceal, constrain, contain, control, cool, cool off, curb, curtail, debar, decelerate, deflect, deter, discourage,… …

    Moby Thesaurus

  • 14check — I n. order to a bank (BE has cheque) 1) to issue, make out, write out a check to 2) to draw a check against one s account; to draw a check on a bank 3) to cash; clear; deposit; present a check 4) to cover a check (by making a deposit) 5) to… …

    Combinatory dictionary

  • 15keep back — verb 1. keep under control; keep in check suppress a smile Keep your temper keep your cool • Syn: ↑restrain, ↑keep, ↑hold back • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 16check — 1. verb 1) troops checked all vehicles I checked her background Syn: examine, inspect, look at/over, scrutinize, survey; study, investigate, research, probe, look into, inquire into; informal check out, give something a once over 2) …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 17keep tabs on — verb keep a record on or watch attentively The government keeps tabs on the dissidents • Hypernyms: ↑watch, ↑observe, ↑follow, ↑watch over, ↑keep an eye on • Verb Frames: Somebody s something …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 18keep something back — 1 she kept back some of the money: (KEEP IN) RESERVE, put by/aside, set aside; retain, hold back, keep, hold on to, not part with; N. Amer. set by; informal stash away. 2 she kept back the details …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 19keep something back — 1) she kept back some of the money Syn: reserve, keep in reserve, put aside/by, set aside; retain, hold back, hold on to, not part with; informal stash away 2) she kept back the details Syn: withhold, keep secret, keep hidden …

    Thesaurus of popular words

  • 20check — n 1: something that limits or restrains see also checks and balances 2: a written order signed by its maker directing a bank to pay a specified sum to a named person or to that person s order on demand see also negotiable instrument compa …

    Law dictionary