make homogeneous
1homogeneous — a. of same kind; comprising similar parts; uniform. ♦ homogeneity, n. ♦ homogenesis, n. reproduction with successive generations alike. ♦ homogenize, v. t. make homogeneous, especially of milk, etc …
2Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition — Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition, or HCCI, is a form of internal combustion in which well mixed fuel and oxidizer (typically air) are compressed to the point of auto ignition. As in other forms of combustion, this exothermic reaction… …
3homogeneous — homogeneous, homogenous Homogeneous is pronounced with the stress on the third syllable and means ‘of the same kind’: • The most common way of grouping was to sort the children by ability…and to make the groups as homogeneous as possible R.… …
4Homogeneous charge compression ignition — Thermodynamics …
5Homogeneous coordinates — In mathematics, homogeneous coordinates, introduced by August Ferdinand Möbius in his 1827 work Der barycentrische Calcul [ [http://www Mobius biography ] ] , allow affine transformations to be …
6Homogeneous alignment — In liquid crystals, Homogeneous alignment sometimes called Planar alignment this is the state of alignment of molecules which is opposite to homeotropic alignment. The molucules here align parallel to a substrate.For planar alignment polyimides… …
7homogeneous (computer) network — Network comprised of many of the same make and/or model computers …
8Aqueous homogeneous reactor — Aqueous homogeneous reactors (AHR) are a type of nuclear reactor in which soluble nuclear salts (usually uranium sulfate or uranium nitrate) have been dissolved in water. The fuel is mixed with the coolant and the moderator, thus the name… …
9homogenize — To make homogeneous. * * * ho·mog·e·nize also Brit ho·mog·e·nise hō mäj ə .nīz, hə vb, nized also Brit nised; niz·ing also Brit nis·ing vt 1) to make homogeneous 2 a) to reduce to small particles of uniform size and distribute evenly usu. in a… …
10homogenise — verb 1. break up the fat globules of homogenized milk • Syn: ↑homogenize • Ant: ↑curdle, ↑curdle (for: ↑homogenize) • Derivation …