perk up

  • 11perkʷu-s —     perkʷu s     English meaning: oak     Deutsche Übersetzung: “Eiche”     Note: Because of the common Lat., Gk., Illyr., celt. kʷ > p , gʷ > b phonetic mutations, Lat. quercus f. “oak” is the oldest IE cognate, hence Root perkʷu s : oak… …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 12perk — Ⅰ. perk [1] ► VERB (perk up) ▪ make or become more cheerful or lively. ORIGIN originally in the senses «perch» and «be lively»): perhaps from Old French percher to perch . Ⅱ. perk [2] ► NOUN informal …

    English terms dictionary

  • 13Perk — Perk, v. i. To peer; to look inquisitively. Dickens. [1913 Webster] …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 14Perk — Perk, Jacques Fabrice Herman, niederländ. Dichter, geb. 10. Juni 1859 in Dordrecht als Sohn eines wallonischen Predigers, gest. 1. Nov. 1881 als Student der Rechte in Amsterdam, der Vorläufer der holländischen Moderne, verriet eine eigenartige… …

    Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • 15perk up — (someone) to make someone more active and interested. It was a clear summer day, and Nancy looked like she was beginning to perk up. His stay with Aunt Podie soon perked him up …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 16perk up — {v.} To get or give back pep, vigor, health, or spirit; become or make more lively; liven up. * /He perked up quickly after his illness./ * /The rain perked up the flowers wonderfully./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 17perk up — {v.} To get or give back pep, vigor, health, or spirit; become or make more lively; liven up. * /He perked up quickly after his illness./ * /The rain perked up the flowers wonderfully./ …

    Dictionary of American idioms

  • 18perk — [n] benefit advantage, bonus, dividend, extra, fringe benefit, gratuity, gravy*, lagniappe, largess, perquisite, plus, tip; concept 344 Ant. disadvantage …

    New thesaurus

  • 19perk up — [v] cheer ameliorate, be refreshed, brighten, buck up*, cheer up, convalesce, gain, improve, invigorate, liven up, look up, mend, pep up, rally, recover, recuperate, refresh, renew, revive, shake, take heart*; concepts 7,22,244,308 Ant. depress …

    New thesaurus

  • 20(perk-2): pr̥k- —     (perk 2): pr̥k     English meaning: glowing ashes, coals     Deutsche Übersetzung: “glũhende Asche, Kohle”     Material: Lith. pir̃kšnys f. pl. “ash with glũhenden Funken”, Ltv. pìrkstis, pirkstes pl. ds.; O.Ir. riches f. “glowing coal”,… …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary