perk up

  • 51perk up something — perk up (something) to make something more interesting or active. Chopped prunes can really perk up a fruit salad. It s a pretty dull movie, though the supporting actors perk things up a little …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 52perk̂-2, prek̂- —     perk̂ 2, prek̂     English meaning: spotted     Deutsche Übersetzung: “gesprenkelt, bunt”, often zur Bezeichnung gesprenkelter, farbig getupfter Tiere     Material: With n formant: O.Ind. pr̥sni “mottled, speckled, *tabby, varicolored”, Gk.… …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 53perk up someone — perk up (someone) to make someone more active and interested. It was a clear summer day, and Nancy looked like she was beginning to perk up. His stay with Aunt Podie soon perked him up …

    New idioms dictionary

  • 54perk somebody up — ˌperk ˈup | ˌperk sbˈup derived (informal) to become or to make sb become more cheerful or lively, especially after they have been ill/sick or sad Syn: ↑brighten • He soon perked up when his friends arrived. Main entry …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 55perk-1, prek- —     perk 1, prek     English meaning: to fill     Deutsche Übersetzung: “fũllen, auffũllen”     Note: ? Only indisch and Irish.     Material: O.Ind. pr̥ṇákti (pr̥ñcati, piparkti) “fũllt, gives rich; mengt, mischt”, participle pr̥kta “gemischt …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 56perk̂-4, prek̂-, pr̥k̂- —     perk̂ 4, prek̂ , pr̥k̂     English meaning: to ask, ask for     Deutsche Übersetzung: “fragen, bitten”     Material: 1. sk̂o present *pr̥k̂ sk̂ō, worfrom *pr̥sk̂ō: O.Ind. pr̥ccháti “fragt”, Av. pǝrǝsaiti “fragt, begehrt” (participle paršta ) …

    Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • 57perk sth up — UK US perk (sth) up Phrasal Verb with perk({{}}/pɜːk/ verb ► [I or T] to become or cause something to become higher in value or more active: »Share prices have perked up. »The overall good news failed to perk up the stock market …

    Financial and business terms

  • 58perk someone up or perk up — make or become more cheerful or lively. → perk …

    English new terms dictionary

  • 59perk someone/something up — you could do with something to perk you up: CHEER UP, liven up, brighten up, raise someone s spirits, give someone a boost/lift, revitalize, invigorate, energize, enliven, ginger up, put new life/heart into, put some spark into, rejuvenate,… …

    Useful english dictionary

  • 60perk — I. verb Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. a. to thrust up the head, stretch out the neck, or carry the body in a bold or insolent manner b. to stick up or out jauntily 2. to gain in vigor or cheerfulness especially …

    New Collegiate Dictionary