- Community Shores Bank Corporation (Business » NASDAQ Symbols)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
CSHB — abbr. Community Shores Bank Cor NASDAQ … Dictionary of abbreviations
Георгий Пахимер — греч. Γεώργιος Παχυμέρης … Википедия
Guerres entre Turcs et empire byzantin — Guerres turco byzantines Guerres turco byzantines L entrée de Mehmed II dans Constantinople est le symbole de la victoire définitive de l empire ottoman sur l empire byzantin … Wikipédia en Français
Guerres turco-byzantines — L entrée de Mehmed II dans Constantinople est le symbole de la victoire définitive de l Empire ottoman sur l Empire byzantin … Wikipédia en Français
ВАСИЛИЙ I МАКЕДОНЯНИН — (между 832 и 836, близ Адрианополя 29.08.886, К поль), визант. имп., основатель Македонской династии (867 1056). Происходил из крестьянской семьи. Согласно офиц. генеалогии, к рую приводит венценосный биограф В. М., его внук имп. Константин VII… … Православная энциклопедия
Niketas Choniates — Niketas Choniates, from a medieval manuscript. Nicetas or Niketas Choniates (Νικήτας Χωνιάτης, ca. 1155 to 1215 or 1216), sometimes called Acominatos, was a Greek historian – like his brother Michael Acominatus, whom he accompanied from their… … Wikipedia
Chalet School — The Chalet School is a series of approximately sixty school story novels by Elinor Brent Dyer, initially published between 1925 and 1970. The school was initially located in Austria, moved to Guernsey in 1939, following the rise to power of the… … Wikipedia
Humanistic Buddhism — Part of a series on Buddhism Outline · Portal History Timeline · Councils … Wikipedia
Rus' Khaganate — The Rus Khaganate was a polity that flourished during a poorly documented period in the history of Eastern Europe (roughly the late 8th and early to mid 9th centuries CE). [ e.g., Christian 338.] A predecessor to the Rurik Dynasty and the Kievan… … Wikipedia
Leo the Deacon — was a Byzantine historian and chronicler. He was born around 950 at Kaloe in Asia Minor and was educated in Constantinople, where he became a deacon in the imperial palace. While in Constantinople he wrote a history covering the reigns of Romanus … Wikipedia