- Generalized Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology (Academic & Science » Architecture)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Geram — This surname is English, but with perhaps some French origins, of which it has two. Firstly, it may have originated from the personal name Jerome. In England this was a Crusader name, being ultimately from the Greek Hieronymos , meaning sacred… … Surnames reference
geras — 1 gẽras, à (nom. pl. gerì, gẽrūs) adj. (4) 1. meilus, malonus; gailestingas; nepiktas: Mano tėvas labai gẽras, retai pyksta Rg. Gẽras mano brolis, pavėžino rogėm Ldvn. Mamutė būtum gerà, kad šabalbonų pamerktum rytojui Pc. Nebijok, nekąs,… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Aziz Ishak — Abdul Aziz Ishak (1913 1999) is a Malaysian freedom fighter, politician and journalist.Aziz was, in fact, the only member of the pre war Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM) to have served in the 1955 and post Merdeka Cabinets under Tunku Abdul Rahman.… … Wikipedia
Gerram — This surname is English, but with perhaps some French origins, of which it has two. Firstly, it may have originated from the personal name Jerome. In England this was a Crusader name, being ultimately from the Greek Hieronymos , meaning sacred… … Surnames reference
Jerrome — This surname is English, but with perhaps some French origins, of which it has two. Firstly, it may have originated from the personal name Jerome. In England this was a Crusader name, being ultimately from the Greek Hieronymos , meaning sacred… … Surnames reference
Jerram — This surname is English, but with either of two origins. Firstly, it may have derived from the Greek Hieronymos , meaning sacred name , of which the European spelling is Jerome. As such it is a Crusader name, that is to say one which was brought… … Surnames reference
Jerrams — This surname is English, but with either of two origins. Firstly, it may have derived from the Greek Hieronymos , meaning sacred name , of which the European spelling is Jerome. As such it is a Crusader name, that is to say one which was brought… … Surnames reference
tikti — tikti, tiñka (tiñkma LD352(Dv), teñka LzŽ), tìko KBII159, K, Š, K.Būg, FrnW, DrskŽ; H, R, MŽ, N, L, Rtr 1. intr. DŽ, NdŽ, KŽ būti atitaikytam, tinkamam, geram: Tie akilioriai man netiñka prie akių (nematau su jais) Jnšk. Raktai netiko į… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
žmogus — žmogùs sm. (4) KBII106, K, K.Būg, Š, DŽ, NdŽ, KŽ, žmõgus (2) Snt, Grš, Rdn, Eig; SD118, SD36, KlC31, SC13, R, R254, MŽ339, Sut, N, LL18, BzB342, žmogỹs (4) LzŽ, žmuõ DP459; CI1051, Q294, Lex53, KlG55, KlM58,184, Sut, žmuõj Lz; gen. sing.… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Jaram — This surname is a patronymic form of Jerome, which itself has two possible origins. Firstly, it may have originated from the Old French, Middle English personal name Jerome , ultimately from the Greek Hieronymos , composed of the elements hieros … Surnames reference