Gateway, Inc. (Business » NYSE Symbols)
* Grand Trunk Western Railroad Incorporated (Regional » Railroads)
* Gross Trailer Weight (Governmental » Transportation)
* eine gefundene Teilwahrheit (International » German)
* Zlin, Czechoslovakia (Regional » Airport Codes)
* Giant Train Wrecks (Miscellaneous » Funnies)
* Go-To-War (configuration) (Governmental » Military)

Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • GTW — may refer to:* The rail company Grand Trunk Western Railroad * The IATA code for London Gatwick Airport * The NYSE code for computer manufacturer Gateway * Stadler GTW, an articulated railcar manufactured by Stadler Rail. * Gross trailer weight… …   Wikipedia

  • GTW — Stadler GTW Anzahl: 453 (Stand: März 2009) Hersteller: Stadler Rail Baujahr(e): 1997 Achsformel: 2 +Bo+2 (GTW 2/6); 2 +Bo+2 +2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • GTW — Acronym for gross train weight …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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