HEPA — Filter (High Efficiency Particulate Airfilter), ULPA Filter (Ultra Low Penetration Air) und SULPA Filter (Super ULPA) sind Bezeichnungen für Filter mit einer bestimmten Partikelfilterklasse. Filter dieser Klasse werden zur Ausfilterung von Viren … Deutsch Wikipedia
HEPA — (hĕpʹə) abbr. 1. high efficiency particulate air. 2. high efficiency particulate arresting. * * * … Universalium
HEPA — A high efficiency particulate air or HEPA [ [http://www.eh.doe.gov/hepa/ High Efficiency Particulate Arresting Filters] ] (IPAEng|ˈhɛpə) filter is a type of high efficiency air filter.FunctionHEPA filters can remove at least 99.97% of particles 0 … Wikipedia
HEPA — Схема HEPA фильтра с описанием HEPA (англ. High Efficiency Particulate Air или … Википедия
HEPA — Partes de un filtro HEPA. HEPA del inglés (High Efficiency Particulate Air)[1] (pronunciado /ˈhɛpə/) es un tipo de filtr … Wikipedia Español
HEPA — Acronym that stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air and for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor. HEPA filters are used for isolation and immunocompromise units, operating rooms, removal of allergens from the air (for hay fever, asthma, etc.) … Medical dictionary
HEPA — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Hepa, acronymes, anglicismes, peut faire référence à : Filtre HEPA, acronyme pour High Efficiency Particulate Air (en) Activité physique bénéfique… … Wikipédia en Français
HEPA-Filter — (High Efficiency Particulate Airfilter), ULPA Filter (Ultra Low Penetration Air) und SULPA Filter (Super ULPA) sind Bezeichnungen für Filter mit einer bestimmten Partikelfilterklasse. Filter dieser Klasse werden zur Ausfilterung von Viren,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
HEPA filter — Abbreviation for high efficiency particulate air filter A filter capable of excluding particles larger than 0.3im. HEPA filters are used in laminar air flow cabinets to ensure that the air is pathogen free. See: pre filter … Glossary of Biotechnology
HEPA — High Efficiency Particle Air (Filter) NASA … Acronyms