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Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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  • mous|ey — «MOW see», adjective, mous|i|er, mous|i|est. = mousy. (Cf. ↑mousy) …   Useful english dictionary

  • mous|y — «MOW see», adjective, mous|i|er, mous|i|est. 1. resembling or suggesting a mouse in color, odor, or behavior: »a mousy little man afraid to stand up for his rights. She had mousy hair. In one bottle…he found no poison, but testified he identified …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mous|te|ri|an — or Mous|tie|ri|an «moos TIHR ee uhn», adjective. designating or having to do with a period of paleolithic culture marking the highest point of the Neanderthal race: »Prior to the Mousterian flints, there had been no evolution of flint making… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mous|er — «MOW zuhr», noun. 1. an animal that catches mice, such as a cat or an owl. 2. a person who prowls about and pries into matters …   Useful english dictionary

  • mous|ie — «MOW see», noun. Scottish. little mouse, a pet name …   Useful english dictionary

  • mous|i|ly — «MOW suh lee», adverb. in a mousy manner …   Useful english dictionary

  • mous|sa|ka — «MOO sah KAH», noun. a Greek baked dish consisting of layers of ground meat with eggplant or zucchini between them, olive oil, and a topping of cheese and dough. ╂[< New Greek moussaká < Rumanian musacá] …   Useful english dictionary

  • mous — ab·nor·mous; ag·a·mous; al·log·a·mous; al·mous; am·phi·des·mous; am·phid·ro·mous; am·phis·to·mous; anad·ro·mous; an·gi·o·sper·mous; an·isog·a·mous; anon·y·mous; an·ton·y·mous; apla·nog·a·mous; as·to·mous; athal·a·mous; au·mous; au·tog·a·mous;… …   English syllables

  • mous — plural of mou * * * mous obs. pl. form of mow n.2 …   Useful english dictionary

  • mous|que|taire — «MOOS kuh TAIR», noun. a member of the French royal household troops in the 1600 s and 1700 s, famous as dandies. ╂[< French mousquetaire < mousquet musket] mous|que|taire «MOOS kuh TAIR», noun, adjective. –n. = musketeer. (Cf. ↑musketeer)… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Mous|que|taire — «MOOS kuh TAIR», noun. a member of the French royal household troops in the 1600 s and 1700 s, famous as dandies. ╂[< French mousquetaire < mousquet musket] mous|que|taire «MOOS kuh TAIR», noun, adjective. –n. = musketeer. (Cf. ↑musketeer)… …   Useful english dictionary

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