plus — [ plys ] adv. • 980; mot lat. « une grande quantité » ♦ Mot servant de comparatif à beaucoup et entrant dans la formation des comparatifs de supériorité et dans celle du superlatif relatif de supériorité. I ♦ (Compar.; cf. aussi III) A ♦… … Encyclopédie Universelle
plus — /plus/, prep. 1. more by the addition of; increased by: ten plus two is twelve. 2. with the addition of; with: He had wealth plus fame. adj. 3. involving or noting addition. 4. positive: a plus quantity. 5. more (by a certain amount). 6. Elect.… … Universalium
Plus — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Plus» redirige aquí. Para otras acepciones, véase Plus (desambiguación). Plus es una banda argentina de rock pesado que comenzó a tocar en 1975 y debutó discográficamente en 1976 con No pisar el infinito . Contenido … Wikipedia Español
pluş — PLUŞ, pluşuri, s.n. Ţesătură de bumbac, de lână, de păr de capră etc. mai groasă decât catifeaua şi cu părul mai lung decât al acesteia, care se întrebuinţează mai ales în tapiţerie. ♦ (La pl.) Varietăţi de pluş. – Din germ. Plüsch, fr. p(e)luche … Dicționar Român
Plus — may refer to:* Plus sign, a mathematical sign * PLUS, a banking network * PLUS Markets, a small stock exchange in London, UK * North South Expressway, Malaysia ( ms. Projek Lebuhraya Utara Selatan) **PLUS Expressway Berhad, concessionaire of the… … Wikipedia
plus — is used primarily as the oral equivalent of the arithmetical sign + (Three plus four is seven). In the 20c it went from strength to strength as a quasi preposition with the meaning ‘with the addition of, and also’ (e.g. • A cup of Epp s cocoa and … Modern English usage
PLUS — (также известный как Visa PLUS) это межбанковская сеть, охватывающая дебетные, кредитные и предоплаченные карты VISA, а также банковские карты, выданные различными банками по всему миру. В настоящий момент, во всем мире существует более… … Википедия
PLUS FC — Voller Name PLUS Football Club Ort Kuala Lumpur Gegründet … Deutsch Wikipedia
plus — plȕs[b] (I)[/b] m DEFINICIJA 1. <N mn plùsevi> mat. a. znak za operaciju zbrajanja [dva plus dva dva više dva]; više b. predznak (+) pozitivnog broja, pozitivni predznak, obično se ne piše (za razliku od negativnoga) 2. <indekl.> pri… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Plus — steht für: Pluszeichen, das grafische Symbol „+“ das Symbol für die Addition das Symbol von Zahlen größer Null, siehe positive und negative Zahlen positive physikalische Messwerte, siehe Nullpunkt die internationale Verkehrsausscheidungsziffer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plus TV — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Plus TV Eslogan Es más Tipo Canal de cable Programación Variada Operado por Media Networks País … Wikipedia Español