Private Message (Internet » Chat)
Private Messages (Regional » Time Zones)
**** Perl (Computing » File Extensions)
** Prime Minister (Governmental » US Government)
** Prime Minister (Business » Positions)
** Prime Minister (Governmental)
* Project Management (Governmental » Military)
* Performance Monitoring (Computing » Telecom)
* Personal Message (Internet » Chat)
* Project Manager (Business » Positions)
* Paul Mccartney (Community » Famous)
* Project Manager (Business » International Business)
* Private Messaging (Computing » SMS)
* Poor Man (Miscellaneous)
* project manager (Miscellaneous » USPS)
* Pay Me (Business » Positions)
* Program Manager (Business » General)
* Priority Mail (Governmental » US Government)
* Program Manager (Governmental » NASA)
* Precious Metals (Regional » Time Zones)
* Post Mortem (Medical » Human Genome)
* Post Mortem (Medical » Physiology)
* Post Mortem (Governmental » Police)

Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.

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