- Qualification (Business » Positions)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
qualified — qual‧i‧fied [ˈkwɒlfaɪd ǁ ˈkwɑː ] adjective 1. having suitable knowledge, experience, or qualifications, especially for a particular job: • highly qualified engineering staff 2. qualified agreement, approval etc is limited in some way, because… … Financial and business terms
qualified — qual·i·fied / kwä lə ˌfīd/ adj 1: fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose or condition 2 a: being in compliance or accordance with specific requirements or conditions a qualified voter b: eligible under applicable requirements… … Law dictionary
Qualified — Qual i*fied, a. 1. Fitted by accomplishments or endowments. [1913 Webster] 2. Modified; limited; as, a qualified statement. [1913 Webster] {Qualified fee} (Law), a base fee, or an estate which has a qualification annexed to it, the fee ceasing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
qualified — qualified; un·qualified; non·qualified; … English syllables
qualified — [adj1] able, skillful accomplished, adept, adequate, all around, au fait, capable, catechized, certified, competent, disciplined, efficient, equipped, examined, experienced, expert, fit, fitted, good, instructed, knowledgeable, licensed,… … New thesaurus
qualified — [kwôl′ə fīd΄, kwäl′ə fīd΄] adj. 1. having met conditions or requirements set 2. having the necessary or desirable qualities; fit; competent 3. limited; modified [to give qualified approval] SYN. ABLE qualifiedly [kwôl′ifī΄id lē, kwäl′ifīd΄lē] adv … English World dictionary
qualified — competent, capable, *able Analogous words: trained, instructed, disciplined (see TEACH): examined, quizzed, catechized (see ASK): tested, tried, proved (see PROVE) Antonyms: unqualified … New Dictionary of Synonyms
qualified — adj. 1) eminently, fully, highly qualified; well qualified 2) qualified as (qualified as an engineer) 3) qualified by (qualified by education and experience for the position) 4) qualified for (she is highly qualified for the job) 5) qualified to… … Combinatory dictionary
qualified — qual|i|fied S3 [ˈkwɔlıfaıd US ˈkwa: ] adj 1.) having suitable knowledge, experience, or skills, especially for a particular job well/suitably/highly qualified ▪ Dawn is well qualified for her new role. qualified to do sth ▪ The guides are… … Dictionary of contemporary English
qualified — adj. 1 having completed a course of study VERBS ▪ be ▪ become, get ADVERB ▪ highly, well ▪ The teaching staf … Collocations dictionary
qualified — Adapted; fitted; entitled; susceptible; capable; competent; fitting; possessing legal power or capacity; eligible; as a qualified voter (q.v.). Applied to one who has taken the steps to prepare himself for an appointment or office, as by taking… … Black's law dictionary