- Swedish Options and Futures Exchange (Business » Stock Exchange)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Sofe — This very unusual name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and can be either a topographical or a locational name. In both cases, the surname is almost entirely peculiar to the county of Hampshire. As a topographical name, soffe and its variant forms soff… … Surnames reference
Sofer — Sofẹr [hebräisch »Schreiber«] der, /... rim, im Judentum Bezeichnung für den Schreiber; der Spezialist für Thorarollen, Tefillin und Mesusot (Mesusa) wurde »sofẹr ST M« genannt. Sofer war auch Bezeichnung der Schriftgelehrten … Universal-Lexikon
Nikolay Fedorenko — For Soviet international footballer and Ukrainian coach, see Mykola Fedorenko. For Soviet statesman, see Nikolai Fedorenko. Nikolay Prokofyevich Fedorenko (Russian: Николай Прокофьевич Федоренко) (born 26 April/28 April 1917, died 1 April 2006)… … Wikipedia
Mechanical Dream — cover Designer(s) Francis Larose Benjamin Paquette Publisher(s) SteamLogic Publication date 2002 Genre(s) F … Wikipedia
School of Future Entertainment — La School of Future Entertainment (Sofe) est une école située à Karlshamn en Suède, formant à l’industrie du divertissement. Elle a été fondée en 2002[1]. L’école propose deux parcours : infographie (Digital Graphic) et programmation de jeux … Wikipédia en Français
Soff — This very unusual name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and can be either a topographical or a locational name. In both cases, the surname is almost entirely peculiar to the county of Hampshire. As a topographical name, soffe and its variant forms soff… … Surnames reference
Soffe — This very unusual name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and can be either a topographical or a locational name. In both cases, the surname is almost entirely peculiar to the county of Hampshire. As a topographical name, soffe and its variant forms soff… … Surnames reference
Central Economic Mathematical Institute — The Central Economic Mathematical Institute (CEMI) ( ru. Центральный экономико математический институт (ЦЭМИ)) of the Russian Academy of Sciences is an economic research institute located in Moscow. It focuses on economic theory, mathematical… … Wikipedia
Alliance Israélite — universelle Pour les articles homonymes, voir AIU. L’Alliance israélite universelle (AIU ; hébreu : כל ישראל חברים Kol Israël Haverim, ou כי ח), est une société juive internationale culturelle, installée dans différents pays mais… … Wikipédia en Français
Alliance Israélite Universelle — Pour les articles homonymes, voir AIU. L’Alliance israélite universelle (AIU ; hébreu : כל ישראל חברים Kol Israël Haverim, ou כי ח), est une société juive internationale culturelle, installée dans différents pays mais originellement… … Wikipédia en Français