- Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement (Governmental » Military)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
SPLA — may refer to:* Sudan People s Liberation Army ** SPLA Nasir and SPLA United, a Sudanese breakaway faction formed in 1991 * Sahrawi Popular Army of Liberation see Polisario Front * Service Provider License Agreement, a type of Software license… … Wikipedia
SPLA/M — Rechts das Wappen der sudanesischen Volksbefreiungsarmee. Die Sudanesische Volksbefreiungsarmee (SPLA) ist eine 1983 in Sudan gegründete Rebellengruppe, die eine Autonomie des animistischen christlich schwarzafrikanischen Südsudans gegenüber dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
SPLA — Armée populaire de libération du Soudan Pour l’article homonyme, voir Armée de libération du Soudan. L Armée populaire de libération du Soudan (APLS) (plus connue sous l acronyme SPLA) est membre de l … Wikipédia en Français
SPLA — Die Abkürzung SPLA steht für: Sudan People s Liberation Army, siehe Sudanesische Volksbefreiungsarmee ein Microsoft Bezahlprogramm, siehe Services Provider Licensing Agreement Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unters … Deutsch Wikipedia
splȁšiti — (koga, što) svrš. 〈prez. splȁšīm, pril. pr. īvši, prid. trp. splȁšen〉 poplašiti sve odjednom tako da se rasprši [∼ kokoši; ∼ jato vrabaca] … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
splȁsnuti — splȁsnu|ti (∅) svrš. 〈prez. ēm, pril. pr. ūvši, prid. trp. splȁsnūt〉 1. {{001f}}smanjiti se u zapremnini (o čemu napuhanom) [∼la lopta, splasnuo balon]; ispuhati se 2. {{001f}}pren. oslabiti [∼lo oduševljenje] … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
splȁsnūtōst — ž svojstvo onoga što je splasnulo … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
splȁčine — ž pl. tantum 1. {{001f}}napoj, {{c=1}}usp. {{ref}}spirine{{/ref}} 2. {{001f}}pren. slaba hrana … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
SPLA-Nasir — The SPLA Nasir was a splinter faction of the Sudan People s Liberation Army (SPLA), a rebel group that fought in the Second Sudanese Civil War. Originally created as an attempt by some southerners to replace SPLA leader John Garang in August 1991 … Wikipedia
SPLA — Sudan People s Liberation Army (Governmental » Military) * Services Provider License Agreement (Computing » General) * School of Planning and Landscape Architecture (Academic & Science » Universities) … Abbreviations dictionary