- Transact International, Inc. (Business » NASDAQ Symbols)
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
Abbreviations dictionary. 2012.
TRAH — abbr. TRANSACT INTL INC NASDAQ … Dictionary of abbreviations
Simone Bagel-Trah — (* 10. Januar 1969 in Düsseldorf) ist die Aufsichtsratsvorsitzende und Vorsitzende des Gesellschafterausschusses des Henkel Konzerns. Die promovierte Mikrobiologin, Ururenkelin von Fritz Henkel und Mutter zweier Kinder übernahm am 22. September… … Deutsch Wikipedia
trachoma — (trah ko mah) A chronic infectious disease of the conjunctiva and cornea, producing pain, inflammation and sometimes blindness. It is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes A C … Dictionary of microbiology
trachle — /trah kheuhl/, n., v., trachled, trachling. Scot. n. 1. an exhausting effort, esp. walking or working. 2. an exhausted or bedraggled person. v.t. 3. to fatigue; tire; wear out. 4. to bedraggle. Also, trauchle. [1540 50; < D dial. tragelen to walk … Universalium
tra-la — /trah lah /, n. nonsense syllables sung as a refrain, expressing gaiety. Also, tra la la. [1815 25] * * * … Universalium
tramontana — /trah meuhn tah neuh, tan euh/; It. /trddah mawn tah nah/, n., pl. tramontanas, It. tramontane / ne/. 1. a cold wind from the north or northeast that blows in the western Mediterranean. 2. any north wind issuing from a mountainous region. [1605… … Universalium
trattoria — /trah teuh ree euh/, n. a usually inexpensive or informal restaurant or cafe specializing in Italian dishes. [1825 35; < It: public eating place, restaurant, equiv. to trattor(e) restaurateur (tratt(are) to TREAT + ore OR2, as trans. of F… … Universalium
trauchle — /trah kheuhl/, n., v.t., trauchled, trauchling. Scot. trachle. * * * … Universalium
trattoria — (trah toh REE ah) [Italian] An informal restaurant or eating place that offers Italian food at moderate prices … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
Henkel (Konzern) — Henkel Rechtsform AG Co. KGaA ISIN DE0006048432 (Vorzugsaktie), DE0006048408 (Stammaktie) Gründung 1876 … Deutsch Wikipedia